Thursday, February 1, 2018

Emotions and Our Health

No one will be surprised by the statement, "Emotions are a big part of the health picture and contribute greatly to our health or lack of".    I read years ago that even the CDC states that 85% of illness in the US is likely caused by our emotions to some degree.   Scripture tells us that.  Proverbs 3:5-8  tells us that to trust in the Lord and fear Him brings healing to our body.  Proverbs 4 says that one of the benefits of wisdom is health.  Proverbs 12:18 says wise words bring healing.  And we all know that "a cheerful heart is good medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones", Proverbs 17:22.

Need I say more?  God's Word states it and it is settled. 

What then do we do with our emotions to achieve good health? 

For years now, I have struggled with the concept of emotions and health.  I knew and believed the truth of it.  And I know fully that to get our emotions under control, rather than letting them control us, is a spiritual matter.  But how do I incorporate that into practice with clients who come to me with health issues?   While I know that addressing the spiritual with Scripture is the absolute answer, I also know that not all my clients will believe and embrace that.  Sometimes, I will have people seeking my help that just want an answer, guidance to restoring health, and something that addresses it. 

What does that look like?  We are a living body with a mind (will) and emotions.  Sometimes those emotions get out of balance.  The question that cannot be answered is, "Do emotions cause the physical problem (diseased system) or does the diseased system cause the emotional imbalance?"
Since that is a question without an answer, the best solution is to treat the entire person.

One of the many things that God has given us for health are plants (obviously).  Within 38 of those plants, a noted and highly respected surgeon, Dr. Edward Bach,  found "remedies" that address emotional imbalances.  He used them with great success.  So, Bach Flower Remedies are science discovered by a medical doctor.  Don't fall for the lies that people will tell you or lies you may read on Quackwatch.

You are probably saying, "Whatever.  Just tell me how these can help me.  I don't have to know all the details, just help me address this."  Great!  Glad you asked.

That will all come in upcoming posts.  But I do want to leave this for your consideration.  I am listing some organs and the ways our emotions can affect them.  It makes good food for thought.  I am not saying that any issue you may have with an organ or body system is caused by emotions and only emotions.  The concept of natural health itself says otherwise and you know from this blog that there are many causes of un-wellness.   Emotions are just one.  But they are legit and worthy of thought.
By the way, this list is not exhaustive.  It just lists a few organs.  

ORGAN                               EMOTION                         POSSIBLE BEHAVIOR
Bladder                                Irritation                              Frequent urination/urgency
Gallbladder                          Resentment                         Restless legs
Heart                                    Shock or excessive joy       Heart Attack
Kidney                                 Fear                                     Adrenal stress, back pain
Large  Intestine                    Being stuck                         Constipation
Liver                                    Anger                                  Sudden violence
Lung                                    Grief                                    Crying, shallow breathing
Small Intestine                     Being vulnerable                 Diarrhea, weak immune
Spleen/Pancreas                   Self-esteem                         Blood sugar
Stomach                               Disgust                                Nauseated

So you have something to chew on.  We'll talk remedies soon.  Thanks for reading.

Ph Balance Part 9 and Final Post on Ph Balance

Hmmm—does anyone here remember (or maybe even care) about ph anymore? My bad for being such a slacker. Life happens, but back to ph and then next post I want to give you what I think is essential in our home “medicine” cabinet (minus the medicine 😊). Okay—pattern 4 in ph imbalance. High urine, low saliva (above or below 6.4). With this pattern you may have anemia and an iron deficiency and/or Vitamin B-12. It will be possible to have circulation challenges which may cause strokes, high bp, and fragile or brittle blood vessels. If you are very acidic you may experience diarrhea (remember that high acid causes everything to work too fast). Calcium may not be properly absorbed and muscle cramps may happen. You may also experience muscle discomfort in your lower extremities. Pattern 5–low urine and low saliva readings. Digestion will not be adequate and you may become malnourished due to mineral deficiencies. Some people also complain of emotional issues such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and moodiness. A couple of other things—if your urine is acid you may experience reproductive problems, adrenal challenges, and calcium deficiency. If saliva is acid you may have problems with your liver and lungs. THE GOOD NEWS. Along with the food chart I gave you to bring ph into balance, you can take different forms of calcium. I would only do this to bring ph into balance—not long term. Calcium Citrate will raise your ph levels if you are acidic. Calcium Lactate will lower your ph if you are alkaline. IF YOU'RE BOTH—take both forms of calcium to bring about balance. End of ph! It is an essential part of our health and one part that we need to measure and address any imbalances. Remember—you can take a million supplements and most will not be absorbed if you are very imbalanced. It is important. Thanks for sticking this out. Next up—essentials for upcoming cold and flu season

Ph Balance Part 8

Hello. I haven’t been taking a fall break and I will attempt to be better. Let’s get back to ph patterns and I will also post two charts later. Pattern 3–Low-High ratio. Ph of urine is below 6.4 and saliva is higher than 6.4. The urine indicates how our lower digestion is working and the saliva shows the liver’s ability to produce and use enzymes to break down food. When our numbers are far apart the more energy is lost in these areas. You can expect bloating, gas, and discomfort intestinally. You may also suffer with rashes and dry skin. Sometimes a large gut goes along with this. Again, there are things we can do to achieve balance and we’ll discuss those when we finish our patterns. Thanks for reading and look for a food chart and a chart that shows mineral absorption.

Ph Balance Part 7 and Food Chart

This is the food chart that shows what foods you can eat to help with ph balance.

Ph Balance Part 6 and Mineral Chart

The mineral chart shows what your readings have to be at to absorb a particular mineral. Look down at iodine. You have to be at 6.3 and no higher than 6.6 to get any benefit from iodine. Does the U.S. have a thyroid problem? Yes. And even if a person is taking thyroid medication it likely won’t be beneficial. The food chart shows the foods we can eat to bring balance. Notice how “sweet” being alkaline can be—you could utilize ice cream to become less alkaline. That’s satire. Kind of

Ph Balance Part 5

Nope--I haven't forgotten this class. Just slacking, I guess. Thanks for your patience. Back to ph balancing. And Kudos to Nancy Bookout Largent. She has test strips and seems to be perfectly balanced. Maybe, Nancy, you could share in a comment about lifestyle, diet, etc that helps you balance. Okay--there are several ph patterns and I'll talk about them. Then, if and when you check yours, you can pick yourself out and we'll also talk about how to bring your readings toward balance.
Pattern 1:
Urine and saliva are at 6.4 (or
6.5). This pattern is balanced
and you will have the least
Pattern 2:
Double alkaline--both urine and
saliva are over 6.4. You are
Toxic. Remember everything
is moving slowly. The bowel
Is toxic and will spill over into
the lymphatic system and
congest other systems.
Ladies can expect PMS
and heavy periods with
Cramping. Skin will have
breakouts and body odor.
Your spine may have a curve
to the left and that person
tends to be overweight.

Encouraged so far? I didn't expect so. But hang in there with me and will continue with patterns next post. Thanks for reading. And be encouraged. Sometimes all we need is to balance our ph and then the road to good health will be easier to walk on!

Ph Balance Part 4

We all know there is an epidemic of thyroid disease in the United States. Iodine is important for the thyroid. However, unless our ph level is above 6.2 and below 6.7 you will not be able to absorb and assimilate iodine. That means that if our ph level reads 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, or 6.6, we can absorb it. And, believe me, it takes work to stay in that range. The good news is there are calciums we can take to keep our levels balanced. Specific calciums depending on what the reading is. Good health is, of course, a blessing from God. And He is gracious to also provide things to help us in our journey to achieve it. Next, I will share the "patterns" of ph balance. I think you will see things that might indicate where you fall in the ph readings. But it is so much more complicated than a pattern or an indication. That is why we use ph strips. Without them, we cannot be sure. But with them it is so so simple to measure. More to come.

Ph Balance Part 3

Back to ph. And Happy Wednesday, by the way. The role of ph in our bodies is to ensure mineral uptake and minerals are necessary for survival. Thus, our ph levels are very important. I have a chart that I won't overwhelm you with but I will tell you that at certain readings of both acidity and alkalinity, many of the 53 minerals (and a few vitamins) will not be assimilated. For example: at a ph reading of 5.4 (very acid), only 9 of the 53 will benefit you. Likewise, at a reading of 7.5 (alkaline), you will only have an uptake of 11 of them. So without overwhelming you with info but just giving you basic facts, you can see why balance is so important. It does us no good to spend our $ on the best supplements or even in organic, non GMO, life-giving, locally grown food if we are unable to assimilate and put them to use. Next post, I will begin to tell you about the patterns and what you can expect to happen--or not. Anyone purchased ph test strips yet? If you desire optimum health, ph is your starting point. More to come and thanks for taking time to read.

Ph Balance Part 2

Just some general info before we dive into details on ph levels. When I said in the last post that a person who is too alkaline has the result of everything in the body moving slowly, that encompasses everything, not just digestion. That includes a congested liver, kidneys that are filtering too slowly, and a lymphatic system that cannot adequately transport or drain. This is one of many reasons to balance ph. One of our instructors has a practice of about 4,000 clients and her sole focus is helping them achieve ph balance because then they can assimilate any nutrients and supplements they need to achieve good health. Next time, we'll talk about what we cannot absorb and assimilate when we are either acidic or alkaline or a combo. You may be surprised at the delicate balance we need to have. Have a good Friday and thanks for reading.

Ph Balance Part 1

Hello and sorry to be so long in posting. This week has been busy and before I knew it, Thursday happened. It has been a busy day, also, but I wanted to post something at least. Our ph class will surprise those of you who may have heard some things about acidity and alkalinity. But, for me, hearing what is incorrect made perfect sense. More on that later. For now I want to share just a couple of facts and more on these later. If we are acidic, everything in our body moves too fast. We heard an analogy of a conveyor belt going 90 miles an hour at a buffet. How much food could you get to eat, digest, and assimilate? Not much. And if we are alkaline, everything in our bodies moves too too sloooowly. Much like a garbage truck that runs at .00001 miles per hour. You may get rid of your trash on the first go around but it will be ten years before it comes around again. You'll be laden with trash and toxic. It is so important to achieve balance. And God provides ways to combat our lifestyles and diets to right the delicate balance. He is a faithful God to provide our needs. It is important to know what our needs are and how to meet them. More to come. If you truly want to have your ph stay balanced, you will need the test strips we mentioned before. And you will find out how important a balanced ph is. Good health is impossible to achieve without it.