Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ph Balance Part 9 and Final Post on Ph Balance

Hmmm—does anyone here remember (or maybe even care) about ph anymore? My bad for being such a slacker. Life happens, but back to ph and then next post I want to give you what I think is essential in our home “medicine” cabinet (minus the medicine 😊). Okay—pattern 4 in ph imbalance. High urine, low saliva (above or below 6.4). With this pattern you may have anemia and an iron deficiency and/or Vitamin B-12. It will be possible to have circulation challenges which may cause strokes, high bp, and fragile or brittle blood vessels. If you are very acidic you may experience diarrhea (remember that high acid causes everything to work too fast). Calcium may not be properly absorbed and muscle cramps may happen. You may also experience muscle discomfort in your lower extremities. Pattern 5–low urine and low saliva readings. Digestion will not be adequate and you may become malnourished due to mineral deficiencies. Some people also complain of emotional issues such as depression, nervousness, anxiety, and moodiness. A couple of other things—if your urine is acid you may experience reproductive problems, adrenal challenges, and calcium deficiency. If saliva is acid you may have problems with your liver and lungs. THE GOOD NEWS. Along with the food chart I gave you to bring ph into balance, you can take different forms of calcium. I would only do this to bring ph into balance—not long term. Calcium Citrate will raise your ph levels if you are acidic. Calcium Lactate will lower your ph if you are alkaline. IF YOU'RE BOTH—take both forms of calcium to bring about balance. End of ph! It is an essential part of our health and one part that we need to measure and address any imbalances. Remember—you can take a million supplements and most will not be absorbed if you are very imbalanced. It is important. Thanks for sticking this out. Next up—essentials for upcoming cold and flu season

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