Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ph Balance Part 4

We all know there is an epidemic of thyroid disease in the United States. Iodine is important for the thyroid. However, unless our ph level is above 6.2 and below 6.7 you will not be able to absorb and assimilate iodine. That means that if our ph level reads 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, or 6.6, we can absorb it. And, believe me, it takes work to stay in that range. The good news is there are calciums we can take to keep our levels balanced. Specific calciums depending on what the reading is. Good health is, of course, a blessing from God. And He is gracious to also provide things to help us in our journey to achieve it. Next, I will share the "patterns" of ph balance. I think you will see things that might indicate where you fall in the ph readings. But it is so much more complicated than a pattern or an indication. That is why we use ph strips. Without them, we cannot be sure. But with them it is so so simple to measure. More to come.

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