Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ph Balance Part 1

Hello and sorry to be so long in posting. This week has been busy and before I knew it, Thursday happened. It has been a busy day, also, but I wanted to post something at least. Our ph class will surprise those of you who may have heard some things about acidity and alkalinity. But, for me, hearing what is incorrect made perfect sense. More on that later. For now I want to share just a couple of facts and more on these later. If we are acidic, everything in our body moves too fast. We heard an analogy of a conveyor belt going 90 miles an hour at a buffet. How much food could you get to eat, digest, and assimilate? Not much. And if we are alkaline, everything in our bodies moves too too sloooowly. Much like a garbage truck that runs at .00001 miles per hour. You may get rid of your trash on the first go around but it will be ten years before it comes around again. You'll be laden with trash and toxic. It is so important to achieve balance. And God provides ways to combat our lifestyles and diets to right the delicate balance. He is a faithful God to provide our needs. It is important to know what our needs are and how to meet them. More to come. If you truly want to have your ph stay balanced, you will need the test strips we mentioned before. And you will find out how important a balanced ph is. Good health is impossible to achieve without it. 

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