Friday, January 19, 2018


It's Friday!

You will be so glad to know that my posts will slow down.  I have wanted to get you useful info for combatting the current epidemic of flu.  In my coursework I am presently working on emotions and Bach Flower remedies.  I have three lectures and 90 pages of work to get through plus I am working on an evaluation sheet to use in practicing.  So enjoy the slow-down of my posts.

What kind of sad person gets excited about toothpaste, you ask?  I do when I have something to share with you that could be a game changer for your health.  In my FB teaser, I told you I use this mineral toothpaste for 3 things.  Obviously as toothpaste.  Also on my porcelain kitchen sink.  I use bleach to keep it pristine but do not like to use it too often.  This toothpaste gets rid of small stains and keeps it looking white between bleachings.  Now for the best way---as a deodorant.  What??????
Yep, a deodorant.

You already know that our skin is our body's largest organ and one of it's job is to aid in detoxifying us.  Our lymphatic system transports our fluids throughout our body and hopefully the toxins are being gathered and allowed to escape.  Our skin is an exit system.  Our lymph nodes are tasked with the job of collecting toxins.  Exercise and sweating are important in the removal of toxins from our bodies.

Under our arms are some key lymph nodes.  Would it not be wise to allow our body to keep those nodes as clear and healthy as we can?   Antiperspirants obviously are designed to prevent perspiring.
Therefore, they  prevent toxin cleansing and removal from that area.  They also contain ingredients that are known toxins.  Double dose of toxic material in those areas, then.

The great thing about using mineral toothpaste as a deodorant is that the minerals serve in several ways.  First, minerals themselves aid in detoxing our bodies.  Food grade minerals can be ingested or used on foods to rid toxins.  So you can rest assured that topically under your arms they are safe.  The minerals in this particular toothpaste are very gentle and non-irritating.  Secondly, without the properties of antiperspirants that prevent perspiration from occurring, these minerals allow for perspiration which cleanses and rids us of harmful toxins.  Three, while still allowing perspiration, the minerals act as a deodorant not by masking odor but by absorbing odor.  I call that a win!
You will be detoxing but without the fear of being offensive.

Yes, it sounds totally weird.  I get it.  But a cleansed body without toxins is more appealing.  I use a pea-sized amount.  It feels a little sticky going on but dries.  You can research and find your own mineral toothpaste if you like.  Again, I order this from but it can be found at health find stores--for more $$$.

So, there you have it.  More strange stuff from me.  But, detoxing and cleansing, and cancer prevention are pretty high on my health list.  If you give this a try--let me know what you think. Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend.

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