Sunday, January 14, 2018

This is a repost I am putting here so I can categorize it.  It will be under 'natural health basics' and 'water'.  It is from September, I believe.

Water 101 second session.
ONLY ____ IS ______?
Very good. Only water is water.
Your Starbucks Pumpkin Spice isn't water.
My coffee with salted caramel syrup and half and half for my early morning Bible study isn't water.
Everyone's Sonic happy hour isn't water.
Only what we drink in water counts as our water. (See previous post).
Here's more sadness for you:
If we drink our 12 ounce coffee or 12 ounce tea with supper, or our medium Dr. Pepper at Sonic--those are caffeinated and caffeine acts as a diuretic. So.... if/when we drink those, we have to drink that much in water to MAKE UP FOR what we just consumed. And we can't count that as water intake. That just gets us back to even 😪.
Anybody ready to drop the class? For those who stay, it only gets better or worse depending on how you look at it. Here's a happy note to end this post on. It is a scientific fact that water flushes viruses and bacteria from our body. So water is a good defense for fighting all the germs we will encounter this winter. Next post we'll look at how much water should be in the different organs in a well hydrated body. And we'll also talk about the best source for water. Thanks for reading.

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