Saturday, January 13, 2018

Frequency and Homeopathy

Welcome to the blog.  A few years ago when we had the store, I has two decorating blogs to showcase some of the products.  One is named Divinely Designed, which is where you are now.  I changed it from decor to natural health but kept the name partly so I wouldn't have to design a new blog but also because the name fits.  See the sidebar for the purpose of this blog.

Now, back to health.  We talked about frequency and basically all we need to know without getting a physics degree, is that it is important to maintain healthy frequency in our bodies.  But life happens and we get out of frequency.  Think radio waves--if you tune it to the right frequency, you pick up the station you want.  If you go just below or just above the frequency, you can no longer pick up the station.  Much the same with us.

The purpose of homepathy is to utilize homepathic remedies to get our bodies back into frequency.  Remember that everything has a frequency.  Homeopathy is a science that uses plants, minerals, etc., to realign our body's frequency by matching remedy to disease and frequency (of the remedy) to frequency (of the body).

If you research 'homeopathy' you will probably get articles that say it is useless, a pseudoscience (ouch!), total quackery, a sham--you get the idea.  So---don't research.   In Europe, it is considered an important science and a method of treatment.  The royal family of England has a homeopathy practitioner that stays wherever the Queen is.  He carries his little black bag of remedies and administers them as needed.  Her mother, the Queen Mother, who lived to be 101 was a major financial supporter of British homeopathic hospitals.  Her father, George VI, I believe, credited it for saving his life from pneumonia.

Just a bit more and then tonight or tomorrow I will put up some homeopathic remedies and what they address so you can add them to your arsenal.  In 1918 when the flu was responsible for millions of deaths worldwide, the mortality rate in America for flu patients in hospitals was 30%.  At the time, the United States still had homeopathic hospitals.  In those hospitals the mortality of patients was 1.05% and one American hospital had 0 patient deaths from the flu.  How about that? 

Okay, tomorrow, we'll get serious.  Until then, stay warm and well.

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