Thursday, January 18, 2018

Teacher Takes the Test and Passes

Good morning.

Just a personal testimony to the success of addressing things naturally.  Tuesday night I went outside and came back in very cold.  An hour later, I began to chill and ache.  I knew I was down for the count.  I immediately started on elderberry and Oscillococinum flu remedy.  I turned on the diffuser, put some Ravinsara essential on my spine (viruses hide along the spine),  and went to bed.  When I got up around 6:00, I was no longer chilling but still felt tired and achy.
I took Vitamins C and D, colloidal silver, another vial of Oscillococinum pellets and 2 tsp of elderberry.  And of course, I drank, drank, drank to flush the flu virus that was trying to take control.
I was up and around yesterday but didn't do much actual work.  I ran an errand with the girls (stayed in the car), and rested.  This morning, except for a little leftover achiness and a couple of sneezes, I feel very well, considering.

All that to say, without the official diagnosis of a confirmed flu test, I am sure I had the flu come and try to conquer my system.  Add to that, I know without a doubt that the natural things we already had in preparation made the difference in a 36 hour battle (that wasn't even too bad) and a two week siege of misery and exhaustion.  I had all the typical indicators:  sudden onset of chills and aches, a slight sore throat for about 6 hours, some tightness in my chest that never progressed beyond that, and extreme tiredness (for only a few hours).  Ultimately, God is behind all the healings that we experience in life from any kind of disease.  I also know that He has graciously provided for our health and healing by placing into nature many things we need for health.

As stated before, there is no judgement here among friends in this class.  But I do have to ask, "Is it not a better thing to have on hand and utilize these natural things?"  You are probably already reading the reports of adverse reactions to Tamiflu, particularly in children.  In the reports of flu deaths, I would love to know how many of those patients were given Tamiflu.  I would also be curious to know how many people had taken their flu shot, had their immune system weakened by that and consequently contracted flu.

One of the things we always taught our children was that what's "good" is often the enemy of what's "best".  I believe in the case of flu and many others things, to settle for taking what seems to be good, really is the enemy of what is best.

Here is my arsenal:
 I am praying that my family and all of you stay well.  If we find ourselves ill, we know what has proven to work effectively and work safely.  Thanks for reading this.  In addition, I need to amend the website for Dr. Dean (in previous post),  The one I go to was the one given.  The one I receive info from is  She also has a post on flu today that  she put on Facebook.  I haven't read it yet but I know it is good. 

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