Sunday, January 14, 2018

Water repost

Here we go on H2O!
We cannot create new healthy cells if our existing cells are dehydrated.
Functions of water in the body:
(Not a complete list)
Gives equilibrium--anybody ever dizzy?
Regulates our temperature.
Lubricates our tissues, joints, bones, and muscles-are you ever achy?
The obvious ones--cleanses, moisturizes our skin--dry skin anyone?, flushes wastes and toxins.
Last fact of this post--we need one half of our body's weight in water every day (in ounces of course). So if we all had our dream body and weighed 135 lbs then we would need 67 ounces of water. For years I heard this but now I know the importance and hopefully, when our Water 101 class is done, you will, too.
Know this for our test 😊.
ONLY WATER IS WATER. ONLY WATER IS WATER. ONLY WATER IS WATER. And more on that later. Thanks for reading.
nother repost from earlier on water.  Posting so I can categorize it.

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