Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Magnesium: Your Life Depends on It--Literally!

Hello and I hope everyone is staying warm.  I cannot tell you how many prayers of thankfulness for a warm house I have prayed lately.

I will spare you the details of my magnesium story, but believe me I have one and it is a 'doozy'.  I love to hear other people's stories of their successful road to health but I don't think mine is that interesting, and you know I can get long-winded anyway so consider yourself blessed that I won't tell you mine.  What I will tell you is that my situation educated me in a very short time and also convinced me of the need all of us have for magnesium supplementation.

I am not a supplement kind of person but they do serve important purposes and sometimes for only a short window of time are they needed.  There are special circumstances, however, that require some supplementation.  Is that hypocritical?  I don't think so.  When we are experiencing very good health, our need is not so great.  When certain areas of health are being addressed, supplements can enhance and, I believe, save life.

80% of Americans are magnesium deficient.  That includes children and young adults.  Magnesium is REQUIRED in about 300 functions of the body.  Some experts estimate that to be 600-700.  100 years ago, soil was richer in nutrients.  People did not suffer the deficits in diet that we do today.  Today is a different story.  The long and short of it is:  we need magnesium supplementation.  Even if our diets were perfect, the nutrient level of the soil our foods are grown in would still leave it lacking.

Magnesium deficiency is manifested in many areas but let's just address one today--cardiovascular disease.  I stress-- many conditions have mag deficiency as it's cause but since heart disease is the #1 cause of death, let's just talk magnesium and cardiovascular health.

Dr. Carolyn Dean is a leading expert in magnesium and its function in our bodies.  She is recognized and admired by many in the health field.  Others love to discredit her work because she is, let me say this nicely--a threat to the $$$$$$$ that cardiovascular disease brings to doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies.  Even more reason to regard her work highly.  Her website is carolyndeanmd.com.  She has many articles and books but her best, most informative  one is Magnesium Miracle.  If you want a good read and great info, check it out.  If you want to save time, let me do your research for you and just pass along helpful info.

She has a product, ReMag, that acts exactly like IV magnesium because it is absorbed at the cellular level rather through the gut that other mag products are.  That means better magnesium absorprtion  without the laxative effect others have.  Her product is pricey and she knows it, so if ReMag is not a good option for you, she recommends Natural Calm powder.  We take both.  Lynn and I do the ReMag and our girls do the powder.  Mainly because Lynn and I need the extra absorption and the girls do not care for the taste of ReMag.  It isn't bad and you develop a taste for it, but it is kind of a strong metallic taste.  However, when life and health depend on it, you do it.

A recommended dose of the powder is 2 tsp a day to get 325 mg of mag.  2 half-teaspoons of ReMag get you 300 mg.  I believe we all need more than that.

Don't let a dr lead you to believe a normal blood serum level indicates you are okay in the magnesium department.  Serum levels of mag are misleading.  Magnesium is needed to balance the uptake of calcium.  If magnesium is lacking, calcium ends up in our soft tissues and blood vessels and not in our bones and teeth where God intended it to be.  Ever hear of a heart patient taking a calcium channel blocker?  That is because cardiologists know calcium blocks vessels.  That is one of the few things they get right. Did I just say that?  Yes, I did and with confidence, not with malice. So you take an Rx for blocking calcium and get all the side-effects that go with that medication.  Or....you can take magnesium and know for sure you are keeping your blood vessels clean and clear.  Magnesium will also stop a-fib because it is needed to regulate heart beat.

So, here are the two products we take.  ReMag has to be ordered from Dr. Dean.  Natural Calm can be found at health food stores.

Thanks for sticking with me through a long post.  I could say much more about magnesium, but I could never say enough about it's importance.  I do not say this lightly, "Magnesium has saved many many lives".  It is a God created, God given supplement for our health.  We are serious lacking in it and it is so easy to fix.  Why would you not use it?  For extra knowledge about this, seriously check out Dr. Dean's info.  You'll be glad you did.  Thanks for reading.  Drink up.  Magnesium, that is. 

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