Thursday, February 1, 2018

Ph Balance Part 5

Nope--I haven't forgotten this class. Just slacking, I guess. Thanks for your patience. Back to ph balancing. And Kudos to Nancy Bookout Largent. She has test strips and seems to be perfectly balanced. Maybe, Nancy, you could share in a comment about lifestyle, diet, etc that helps you balance. Okay--there are several ph patterns and I'll talk about them. Then, if and when you check yours, you can pick yourself out and we'll also talk about how to bring your readings toward balance.
Pattern 1:
Urine and saliva are at 6.4 (or
6.5). This pattern is balanced
and you will have the least
Pattern 2:
Double alkaline--both urine and
saliva are over 6.4. You are
Toxic. Remember everything
is moving slowly. The bowel
Is toxic and will spill over into
the lymphatic system and
congest other systems.
Ladies can expect PMS
and heavy periods with
Cramping. Skin will have
breakouts and body odor.
Your spine may have a curve
to the left and that person
tends to be overweight.

Encouraged so far? I didn't expect so. But hang in there with me and will continue with patterns next post. Thanks for reading. And be encouraged. Sometimes all we need is to balance our ph and then the road to good health will be easier to walk on!

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